Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Meaningful representation of a big domain

Well, supercomputers allow crunching tons of numbers and modelling the nature. Of that much required and processed data, not every bit is useful to the applicator, be it an engineer or a scientist. Therefore, postprocessing can be seen as an act, which resembles preparing a “wishable” mixture (e.g. say a sandwich) from the ingredients available at a big supermarket.


I like sandwiches, and to share my sandwich, i should not be obliged to carry a whole supermarket with me. As an ordinary daily user of computational engineering products, I was very excited when I saw a new feature which allows sharing 3D images of the solution (or problem) that is being worked on. Congratulations go to ANSYS CFX, and the creators of the feature.


Science needs innovation, and some fun.

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

From minus infinity to plus infinity

The time domain of this blog extends back from minus infinity (or say 0), to plus infinity.


Hello World!

This blog will (should) contain scientific quick-notes, some sketches or things I'm gathering from around the net.

To tell the truth, this is one of the many cyber-spaces that I'm posting stuff, and hopefully it will be one of the more "organized in context" ones.

Though it says "scientific", it's not going to be far away from humour and .. I mean, bad humour, and the fun is in good correlation with the humour served!

So, please be patient, raise your calculus books in the air, and scream:

We want science!